Business Leaders Call for
U.S. department of energy
investment in Clean Primary Aluminum

The Honorable Jennifer Granholm
Secretary, U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Ave,
S.W. Washington, DC 20585
September 28, 2023
Dear Secretary Granholm,
America needs a reliable supply of domestically-produced, clean aluminum. As significant buyers of primary aluminum, we strongly support federal investments via the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to ensure that the United States will be a leader in producing this critical material, which is essential to America’s economic growth.
Today, primary aluminum production in the United States is in crisis. While global demand for primary aluminum is forecast to grow over the coming decades, domestic primary aluminum production has continued to decline and is at risk of disappearing. Spiking electricity prices, lack of access to low-cost renewable energy, and insufficient federal investment have pushed the remaining six primary smelters to the brink.
The IRA is poised to make the largest-ever investment in US manufacturing, supercharging aluminum-dependent clean energy technologies. To realize the potential of the IRA, U.S. aluminum demand from wind and solar alone is forecasted to exceed all current aluminum consumption. In order to meet increased aluminum demand that will affect all our industries, the US must invest heavily in supply.
The Department of Energy has a once in a generation opportunity to retain and create manufacturing jobs, help reduce US industry emissions to meet our climate goals, and grow and sustain an American industry in the interest of national security. We urge you and the Department of Energy to prioritize decarbonization of primary aluminum, and the deployment of low-cost carbon-free energy that the industry critically needs to produce clean aluminum as you implement the Inflation Reduction Act.
Alternate Energy Technologies
Ball Corporation
Ford Motor Company
Golden Aluminum
Oakland United Beerworks
Shacksbury Cider
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
TS Conductor